Datafied Childhood

DataChildFutures investigates the data practices of Italian families with children aged 0- to 8-year-olds.

DataChildFutures investigates the data practices of Italian families with children aged 0- to 8-year-olds.

For the next 3 years (2020-2023), the research team will examine the datafication of childhood and family life through a combination of qualitative (longitudinal research) and quantitative (survey, computational) methods.

It will shed light on the social and cultural consequences of the normalisation of dataveillance in everyday life: namely, transforming not only parenting and growing up, but ultimately social imaginaries. DataChildFuture has received financial support from Fondazione Cariplo (Bando Ricerca Sociale 2019).

The Project

A longitudinal, mixed-methods research design, which combines: a survey; qualitative longitudinal research; an ethnography of online parenting forums, blogs and social media; an analysis of the affordances of apps, IoTs and IoToys through the walkthrough method.
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Here we will include the journal articles, book chapters, reports, and presentations that are produced by the DataChildFutures project.


Research updates, preliminary findings and evidence-based commentaries