
Toolkit per le famiglie


Mascheroni, G., Siibak, A. (2021). Datafied Childhoods. Peter Lang Verlag.


Articoli in riviste scientifiche

Mascheroni, G. (2024). A New Family Member or Just Another Digital Interface? Smart Speakers in the Lives of Families with Young Children. Human-Machine Communication, 7(1).

Amadori, G., & Mascheroni, G. (2024). Situating data relations in the datafied home: A methodological approach. Big Data & Society, 11(1), 20539517241234268.

Mascheroni, G., & Zaffaroni, L. G. (2023), Mascheroni, G., & Zaffaroni, L. G. (2023). From “screen time” to screen times: Measuring the temporality of media use in the messy reality of family life. Communications,

Mascheroni, G., Cino, D., Amadori, G., & Zaffaroni, L. G. (2023). (Non-) Sharing as a Form of Maternal Care? The Ambiguous Meanings of Sharenting for Mothers of 0-To-8-Year-Old Children. Italian Sociological Review13(1), 111-130.

Mascheroni, G., & Zaffaroni, L. G. (2022). MeTag App and MeTag Analyze. M&K Medien & Kommunikationswissenschaft, 70(3), 292–302.

Mascheroni, G. (2020). Datafied childhoods: Contextualising datafication in everyday life. Current Sociology 68(6), 798-813.


Datafield Childhood. Bambini e adolescenti, i risultati delle indagini.

Datizzati dalla nascita: dati, algoritmi e automazione nella vita dei bambini. Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore. 23 Giugno 2021


Mascheroni, G. (2023). The Datafied Habitus: Sociodigital Inequalities and Lived Experiences of Datafication Among Italian Families. The Datafied Family, 28th June 2023.

Mascheroni, G. & Zaffaroni, L. G. (2023) From “screen time” to screen times: measuring the temporality of media use in the messy reality of family life. 73rd Annual ICA Conference, Toronto, 25-29 maggio 2023.

Zaffaroni, L.G., Mascheroni, G., Amadori, G. (2022). Smart Speakers and Data Relations in Families with Young Children. AoIR 2022 Conference. Dublin, 2-5 novembre 2022.

Amadori, G., Mascheroni, G., Zaffaroni, L. G. (2022). Materialising data relations in the home through hybrid methods. Data Power virtual conference.

Mascheroni, G., Cino, D., Zaffaroni, L.G. & Amadori, G. (2021). (Non-)Sharenting as a Form of Maternal Care? The Dilemmas of Mothers of 0- to-8-Year-Old Children. ICA 71st Annual Conference (virtual). 

Mascheroni, G. (2021). Alexa as the new storyteller: the normalisation of IoTs in parenting practices. ICA 71st Annual Conference (virtual). 

Mascheroni, G., & Zaffaroni, L. (2020). The datafication of childhood at home: the data practices, meanings and affects of parents of young children. The 21st Annual Conference of the Association of Internet Researchers, virtual event, 27-30 October 2020.